Shravan Month Calendar Significance of Festival

Shravan Month Calendar Significance of Festival

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DateTithiName of FestivalSignificance of Festival
  Aug 15 2010 Indian Independence Day

India became independent Sovereign state from British Rule on Aug 15 1947.

  Aug 24 2010 Shravan Sud Poornima Raksha-Bandhan

The festival is marked by tying the Rakhi-holy thread on the wrist of brother. The brother in turn vows to take care of his sister.
This day is also called Nariyal (Coconut) Poornima marking the beginning of fishing season.
Bhramin also change their Janoy (Sacred Thread) on this holy day.
There are many references to the significance of Raksha-Bandhan.Amongst them is Krishna Draupadi when Krishna protects Draupadhi during Vastra Haran.
Another famous is Demon Bali and Laxmi. Bali the great devotee of Vishnu takes promise from Vishnu to guard his kingdom. Laxmi seperated by her husband ties Rakhi to Bali and releases her husaband from the promise.Thus the festival is also called Balev.

  August 30 2010 Shravan Krishna Paksha Pancham Nag Panchaami

This festival is celebrated by Hindus on the fifth day of moonlit fortnight of Shravan Month. During this time the snakes invariably come out of their hole that get inundated due to rain. May be therefore they are worshipped. People go to temples, snakes pits and offer milk to the snakes and also worship seeking protection from evil elements.
This festival is to celebrate the day Lord Krishna defeated the serpent Kalia and saved the people by forcing Kalia to leave the place.
Lord Vishnu reclines on thousand headed Shesh Nag between the time of dissolution of one Universe and creation of another.

  August 31, 2010 Shravan Sud Chhath-6 Randhan Chhatha

Observed on the sixth day of Krishna Paksha. of Shravan Month. This day is meant for preparing food for next day which is celebrated as Shitala Satam.

  Sept 01 2010 Shravan Krishna Paksha Satam-7 Shital Satam

The Goddess Shitalais presiding over Smallpox. The food cooked on previous day (unheated) is eaten on this day. It is said in Skand Puran that the donkey is the vehicle of Shitala Mata. She holds broom in one hand and Kalash in the other hand. Those who observe this Vrat gets blessings from Shitala Mata. Their children are saved from the fatal disease of Smallpox.

  Sept 02 2010 Shravan Vad Aatham-8 Janmastami- Krishna Birthday

Krishna Janmastami is observed on eighth day of dark half of the month of Shravan when Rohini Nakshtra is in ascendent. It is joyful celebration of Lord Krishna`s birth. Major celebration of Krishna Janmastami at midnight as Krishna is said to have divine appearance in that hour.Sri Krishna is considered to be one of the most endeared human incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

  Sept 04 2010 Shravan Vad Ekadashi-11 Aja Ekadashi/ Anand Ekadashi

The significance of this Vrat was explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhistir and is found in Bhram Vaivrat Puran. It was explained by Lord Krishna that whoever observes this Eakadashi Vrat will be free
from all sins. One legend says KingKingdom, wife and dead son after observing Vrat on this Eakadashi at te advice of Sage Gautam.

Day Night Choghadia



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