Charotar have in common rich ancient history and culture. Over the period in hungar of success and existance We have settled our families, opened our businesses, and practice our professions all across the world. Charotar is made of many different gor(samaj), and gor(samaj) is made of no of villages. Gor was the barrier of patidar in previous year for established relationship and donating their daughter in perticular gor-villages only. But now a days schenario changed in to many of the gor. Parents of the dauther or son are not looking at their gor or village, they look for educated, and wel cultured bride or bridegroom. Now barrier of gor has been broken but still most of the people in charotar are still bounded in range of charotar. Therefore in common we said that we are from charotar and some are still using there gor name with proud.