Sol (16) Gaam Patidar Samaj

Sol (16) Gaam Patidar Samaj

4.29 stars - 286 reviews


Situated in Borsad Taluka of Anand District (Gujarat State) is approximately 30 km from Baroda. It is said that it was established in the Thirteenth century by a fallow named Ramji Vanzara. The original name of Ramrasa was given in honor of Ramji Vanzar. Later on doing the Muslim Rule of Alauddin, one of his subordinate called Lalkhan treated residents of then Ramrasa very harshly and changed the name to Allhrasa (After Muslim god "Allah") which later become Alarsa. Even today one place of Alarsa (western side) is known as Lal Khadki (believed to be named after Lalkhan). There is a belief that Lord Rama spent one night at the location of Alarsa and existing Ramji Mandir is the area was established to memorize this event.


Ambav is village of Anklav taluka of Anand District. It is near by Asodar, Anklav, Joshikuva. Longitude: 72.9958912464645, Latitude: 22.4143266925263, Altitude: 0,heading: -0.0015685238963749 tilt: -3.20331583600625e-11, range: 4350.3417473258

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