Swamiji teaches us, the most fallen souls who have been hankering after trifle mirage of the world, The triggers to all the hurdles of our lives are due to our oblivion to our real identity. When a soul identifies itself with body, mind, qualifications, society, desires etc., it tends to confine itself to the boundary of its identifications. Being part and parcel of the Supreme Being, a soul naturally longs for for a permanent bliss. But nature of material pleasure is both limited and diminishing, whereas soul is eternal. So, after a point in time, the soul stops getting any pleasure from the world. Knowing such quintessences are possible if there shines the the GRACE of a Saint. And the soul surrenders itself to the refuge of Guru and gets uplifted from the mayic bondage of illusion in which it has entangled for eternal lives due to no genuine knowledge of the temporariness of the world and permanence of the GOd and Guru.
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