Vinod Sailes New Delhi

Comments by Vinod Sailes
Vinod Sailes posted on How - Who Named India at 4/30/2011 3:53:23 AM
Vinod Sailes
New Delhi
  India was originally an arid wasteland with shrubs and forests all around. That used to be prior to the entry of Dravidians who crossed over from Hindukush mountains in to the Indus valley and areas around it. Hindukush literally means ‘slaughter of Hindus’ possibly by Muslims. Dravidians were quite civilized, gentle but a timid lot. After the Dravidians had settled down for long periods in the Indus area, a different sect of people known as Aryans started pouring in to their settlements and pushed the Dravidians further on down to the South. With the establishment of the country which included the undivided territories, they were known as Indians and referred to as such by the foreigners. However, the name ‘India’ has no resemblance or significance to the Hindu religion which belief was followed not only by those settling in India, but by their forefathers as well who perished at the hands of Muslims or stayed put in other parts of Asia and adjoining areas. Ever since India has been referred to as such but has no link to the religion followed by most people who followed it. However, there was no count of people or any census undertaken then to place Hindus as the majority occupying the territory. As such India is a name achieved on the basis of their first ever settlement at the Indus Valley but went on surviving as people who originally moved out of the Indus.

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