We are excited to announce this year summer picnic 2025 is sponsored by Gorel and Jeserva Gaam Patidar Samaj of USA.
Sunday July 6, 2025 - 9:30 AM - 7 PM
Address: Merrill County Park Grove 3 BC,Fairview Ave, Colonia, NJ 07067
Contact for Picnic
Pico Patel: 973-330-6090
Sami Patel: 862-226-2243
Ashwin Patel: 215-934-2155
Ashwin Patel: 215-934-2155
Kalpesh Patel: 973-818-6663
Bhavesh Patel: 973-975-2153
Brijesh Patel: 973-818-6661
Bhavesh Patel: 973-975-2153
Brijesh Patel: 973-818-6661
We 14Gaam Patidar Samaj of USA inviting students who have completed or achieve their degree during year 2024-2025. For to motivate and taking initiative of giving an honor to the students who had completed their graduation in USA. please submit student's name to their respective gaam volunteer name listed here before June 10 2025.
So the students who completed the graduation course in year 2024-2025 are kindly request to give the below information by June 10 2025 to below volunteers of our society. We expect your co-operation.
Information you need to Send
Student Name: | _______________________________ |
Occupid Degree: | _______________________________ |
Name of the University: | _______________________________ |
Contact No: | _______________________________ |
Volunteer's Contact
- Hasmukhbhai Patel Davalpuar (732) 692 3776
- Mukeshbhai Patel Israma (201) 725 1564
- Hetal P Patel Rangaipura, Naman & Vadeli (713) 269 5284
- Alpesh Patel Shahpur (201) 647-9648
- Bhupendrabhai Patel Santokpuar (408) 242 7509
- Mukeshbhai Patel Vishrampura (201) 725 1564
- Ketan B Patel Bhatiel (215) 704-9971
- Pankaj M Patel Gorel (973) 330-6090
- Jignesh P Patel Rupiapura (267) 757-0281
- Jayesh A Patel Bhavanipura (267) 242-9305
- Govindbhai Ishwarbhai Patel (California) Jeserva (310) 766-0490
- Narayanbhai Ambalal Patel (Savana) Fangani (760) 845-7981
- Jashbhai R Patel Rangaipura (267) 229-3400
For games, shield, winner prize or any other questions please contact Manibhai Patel : 973-807-2492
Hoping we can get togather and enjoy.
Thank you 🙏
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