Add Your Link

Tags: Add Your Link | Submit Link | Add Url | Link Directory | Suggest Link | Exchange Directories

Link buildingWe receive hundreds of weekly requests for reciprocating - unfortunately, we have found that many of the requestors have not even visited our site. These requests are typically sent by automatic email spammers. Therefore, in order to eliminate this problem - we have developed a certain criteria for URL submission. All URL link requests must use the Add URL Form found on this page.

  1. You must provide a link to our site FIRST - and the location of the link.
  2. There must be a direct path to your links page from your first [main/index] page.
  3. You must have a Google PageRank of at least a one (1).
  4. Your site must have been up "live" and in the search engines at least 2 months.
  5. Main URL links only - i.e.
  6. We review your entire site, including the source code, before you are accepted.
  7. 301, 302 or other redirect page will not consider, our link will be validated every day, If we dont found our link, Your link will be deleted permanently.
  8. "nofollow" attribute consider invalid.
  9. Page with NOFOLLOW OR NOINDEX consider invalid.
  10. You link page must be index by atleast Google

Required Information:
Company Name: This should be your company name as it would appear on your checks, tax statements, or letterhead. No slogans in here, please. You can put your slogan in your short description below. An example of a company name may be "Acme Widgets". Please don't use "Acme Means the Best Widgets" unless that is the actual name of your company. Sites are placed in categories by our content team who visit and evaluate your suggestions and decide where they best belong. We do this to ensure that the Directory is organized in the best possible way, is easy to use, intuitive, helpful, and fair to everyone. You must first add our link to your site using the title and description below. After your site and our link is reviewed you will receive a email confirming or denying your link request.

Copy and paste the blow title, description and url to your website
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Enter the following information
Page Address On Your Site Where Our Link Is Listed:
First Name:
Last Name:
This should be your company name as it would appear on your checks, tax statements, or letterhead.
Company Description:
200 characters maximum
Your Website URL:
Email address of webmaster or contact person:
This should be an address that will deliver mail to a real, live human being. This should not be the email address of an auto-reply email processor.

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